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Latin II 4th Block

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Latin II is a continuation of Latin I and is focused on grammar, translations, and culture of the ancient Romans.

Ms. Arbogast Rm. 250 Conference Time: 3rd period 10:40-11:40 or by appointment.


Classes: Latin I-IV


Required materials: textbook, notebook paper, pen/pencil, notebook or binder to hold worksheets, homework, and quizzes.


Academic Procedures:


1. Grading: The grading scale is: A= 93-100 B= 85-92 C= 77-84 D= 70-76 F= below 70


2. Expectation: These courses are to prepare students for college and university programs. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected at all times. This includes a level of respect for the teacher and your classmates. Using cell phones for calls and texts are NOT permitted as it distracts from the work environment. Consequences for breaking these expectations may be found in the Student Handbook.


3. Academic integrity: Students who cheat will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Students who plagiarize will also receive a zero.


4. Attendance: Regular attendance is extremely important in a language class. Being in class increases your ability to succeed.


5. Make-up work: If you miss any class for any reason, YOU are responsible for finding out about and making-up missed assignments. Students are allowed one day greater than the number of absences to make-up assignments. Tests and quizzes will need to be arranged by me.


6. Extra Help: I will make myself available for extra help during my conference time and by appointment.


Class rules and procedures:


1. Be ready to work hard. Foreign languages take work in order to succeed at a high level.


2. Be respectful, of others and your surroundings. Candy, food, or drinks are allowed in the classroom under the teacher’s discretion. Cell phones are NOT permitted.


3. Be an active listener. Be able to ask questions and answer them. Do not just sit in class but engage in class.


4. Be prepared: with your work and doing what is asked. Also one extra credit point will be given to students who first correctly translate the saying of the week.


5. Have fun , be open to bring in your own ideas to the class and subject.


Consequences for inappropriate behavior:

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense Discipline Creed

3rd Offense Detention and/or Parent Contact.


I reserve the right to send serious or persistent offenses directly to time-out or to the office for discipline referral. Other consequences that may be used at any time: seat changes, class clean-up (for throwing things or leaving trash behind), teacher-student conference, confiscation of notes or assignments from other classes.



Communication: I welcome communication with parents. There is voicemail set up for all teachers. You can call 704-636-1221 extension 250. I also welcome e-mail correspondence which you can reach me at  I am also available for parent-student-teacher conferences by appointment. You will receive progress reports every quarter.


There is a SchoolNotes webpage which will be updated to provide dates for major quizzes, tests, and projects.




Essential Questions that WE will try to answer in Latin:


Latin I and II


How are we all Romans?


How can anything good be learned from a violent, sensuality-filled, and pleasure satisfying society of the ancient Romans?

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