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Personal Finance 4th Period

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Personal Finance
Mrs. Deborah W. Dixon
Course Syllabus
Contact Information
Phone: (W) 704-636-4420 
Students and parents/guardians who wish to speak to me, please feel free to contact me using the above email address, phone number, or contact the guidance office to schedule a conference. My planning period is from 8:30 - 10:05. 
Course Information
This course prepares students to understand economic activities and challenges of individuals
and families, the role of lifestyle goals in education and career choices, procedures in a
successful job search, financial forms used in independent living, and shopping options and
practices for meeting consumer needs. The course also prepares students to understand
consumer rights, responsibilities, and information, protect personal and family resources, and
apply procedures for managing personal finances. English language arts and mathematics are
reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include mentorship,
school-based enterprise, service learning, and job shadowing. Apprenticeship and cooperative
education are not available for this course. DECA (an association for Marketing Education
students), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities
provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through
authentic experiences.
 Optional Materials 
  •  1” 3 ring binder
  • Dividers
  • College ruled notebook paper 
  • Pencils and/or ink pens
  • Flash Drive - If you already have one, use it for this class.
Nine Weeks:
40% Tests
40% Classwork & Projects
20% Quizzes – Some class materials will count as a quiz grade also.
Grading Scale
A  90-100
B  80-89
C  70-79
D  60-69
F  Below 60
INC  Incomplete
FF - No Credit due to absences
Final Grades:
40.00% 1st nine weeks
* 40.00% 2nd nine weeks
* 20% Final Exam (This is a VOCATS – Required by the State)
Academic Integrity
Your name (whether signed, printed, written, or typed) on any work submitted is your pledge that you have neither given nor received any unauthorized help on the work. Cheating will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating in any way, you will receive a zero on the assignment and your parents will be notified. You will also be referred to the office for disciplinary action. If you are a member of any extracurricular team or club, they will also be notified of your dishonesty!
Due Dates
These assigned dates are extremely important and indicate your willingness to get the job done on time. Therefore, all late work will receive a 5 point per day deduction and work not made up will count as a zero.
Attendance/Make-up Work
* If you are present the day an assignment is given but absent the day it is due, you are to post the assignment on EDU the day that you return.
* If you are at school the day an assignment is due but not in class on that day, you are to post the assignment to EDU the day it is due.
* Make-up work from days missed is your responsibility. Please check your EDU account daily for assignments; all assignments will be posted.
* Refer to the Code of Conduct for specific Rowan County policies.
*  We will adhere to the school’s tardy policy; refer to your student handbook for information.
Classroom Rules
1.      Be in your seat with your notebook ready to begin when the bell rings.
2.      No food or drinks in the computer lab.
3.      Students should follow school and county policies.
* This computer lab contains expensive, technical equipment that requires special care. Anyone who is caught intentionally damaging the equipment will be held responsible for ALL expenses in the repair or replacement.
4.      Students will remain in their seats when teacher leaves the classroom.
5.      Students will remain in their seats until the dismissal bell rings.
6.      Respect the rights of others.
7.      Headsets use is for classroom instruction ONLY!  I will let you know when they are to be used.
8.      Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be out of sight during class time and not heard for that is a disruption.  The first offense is a verbal warning and the next offense the phone will be taken.
9.      Students will use the bathroom between class change since we have 5 minutes. (The use of the restroom should be limited to emergencies.  If you feel it is absolutely necessary: complete the restroom log with your name, date, time out, time returned.  Remember!  You must have a Hall Pass before leaving the room.)
10.  During announcements and emergency alert signals, stop working and listen to instructions.
11.  All assignments will have a deadline.  Please adhere to the date specified.
12.  Please don't talk while I am talking.
Students will be rewarded for good behavior with a combination of praise, positive comments, and other privileges.
1st time: Verbal warning
2nd time: Parents will be contacted.
3rd time: Referral process set forth by administration.
Any severe disruption will be sent to the office immediately! I reserve the right to contact a parent, counselor or administrator at anytime in regards to anything that occurs in my classroom!
Extra Credit
I do not offer extra credit. By staying on task, completing your classwork, following classroom rules and procedures, and giving your BEST; you will be successful in Personal Finance.


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