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cab and furniture 2

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2nd level cabniet making



        Cabinet making  2 is a self motivated study. Along with  renforcement of material that was covered in cabinet making 1.

        Cabinet making 2 is more hands on learning style, allowing  all stydents to choose their own projects and build them for

themselves . Every student is expected to be on time and ready to participate daily; the same as if this were his or her job. Students

must provide their own materials (wood,plywood,molding etc.). If a student encounters financial problems the program has lumber

avaliable for $ 1.00 a board foot. The shop provides the rest of the materials such as glue, fastners,sandpaper and some finishing


      Students are required to build one major project (20 +) boardfeet of wood or 2 small projects less than 20 board feet per

semester. Days spent do nothing will be as if the student were at work doing nothing .(no credit). Real life work experience is very

important as is meeting deadlines and fulfilling responsibilities.Hopefully the students will gain an  understanding of the things that

will help them be prepared for the real world. 

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